Sure! Don’t worry about early settlement fees as we don’t charge any. Unlike other
lenders, we encourage our borrowers to pay off their loans as early as possible
since it would reduce the total interest incurred.
Here are some examples of how early repayment would work out for you:
Scenario 1
Mr Tan’s 12-month loan is due on the 25th of every month with the first payment due
on 25th January. After making 5 monthly payments, Mr Tan decides to make a
full repayment on 24th June.
In this scenario, Mr Tan will need to repay, in total, the June instalment (which
is due) and the remaining loan principal (which will be the amount after deducting
the June instalment payment, if there are no other outstanding sums owned by Mr
Tan). After this final repayment, Mr Tan will have repaid off his loan in full and
there will be no other additional charges.
Scenario 2
Mr Lim’s 12-month loan is due on the 25th of every month with the first instalment
due on 25th January. After making 6 monthly instalment payments, Mr Lim
decides to make full repayment on 30th June.
In this scenario, on 30th June, Mr Lim will need to repay in total the next
monthly instalment (i.e. July) and the remaining loan principal (which will be
the amount after deducting the July instalment payment – assuming there are no
other outstanding sums owing by Mr Lim). After this final repayment, Mr Lim will
have completely repaid his loan in full and there will be no other any additional